Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Consider four of the great mysteries of our Universe: (1) the Big Bang; (2) Universe Acceleration; (3) Gamma Ray Bursts; and (4) Black Holes. These phenomena can be described with a new model of our Universe: "Multiverse".

Background concepts...

Big Bang: the recognized origin of our Visible Universe -- a massive explosion that spread energy strings in a large plasma cloud, which cooled to create quarks and then Hydrogen, which then coalesced to ignite as stars.

Universe Acceleration: among the great discoveries that were made by the Hubble Telescope include the observation that our Visible Universe is expanding at an ever-increasing speed.

Gamma Ray Burst (GRB): massive explosions that occur every day outside of our Visible Universe from every angle in the sky -- unlike Super Novas, which can only be seen in Visible Galaxies (typically in the Milky Way).

Black Hole: a violent stellar event at the core of every spiral galaxy, which has such gravitational force that it swallows entire galaxies and captures light -- all we can see is a Black Hole that is surrounded by doomed/spiraling stars, including the inner-most stars of our own Milky Way galaxy.

Now consider this...

What if Black Holes were not holes at all. What if they were growing Black Masses. Just as four Hydrogens (atomic weight: 1) fuse to Helium (atomic weight: 4), or seven fuse to Lithium (atomic weight: 7), a Black Mass is simply a growing element that can be cataloged at any point in time on the Periodic Chart (atomic weight: 10 to the "X").

If this were the case, then their growth would be limited only by the material that's available for consumption. Thus, after a galaxy is consumed, then another and another, barring collision by another equal or greater Black Mass, the event could grow/mature to become a Mega Mass.

Therefore, it is my proposition that GRBs are the matter liberation of Black Mass collisions and that Large GRBs are the matter liberation of Mega Mass collisions. Moreover, the Big Bang is to a Large GRB, as the Sun is to a Star: we are the product of one and the observer of the other.

Prediction: our Visible Universe accelerates faster in regions that are in closest proximity to a Mega Mass. Arc measurements of Red Shift will demonstrate a repeatable variance.


a. Mega Mass (or a mature Black Mass): galactic matter collapsed through fusion.
b. Mega Masses caught it each other's gravity well.
c. Mega Mass collision (Big Bang or GRB), which liberates/redistributes matter.
d. New Visible Universe evolves from liberated matter (strings to quarks to H to stars).
e. Visible Universe pulled apart by Mega Mass neighbors.
f. Mega Mass growth from captured matter (or Visible Universe remnants).